Friday, January 27, 2006


Here are a few quotations that I find interesting.

"Outside of a dog, a book is probably man's best friend; inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."
- Groucho Marx

“You are totally incorrect; but I respect your decision to be wrong."
- The Illusionist

"We often think that when we have completed our study of “one”, we know all about “two” because “two” is “one and one”. We forget that we have still to make a study of “and”."
- A. S. Eddington

“Half of writing history is hiding the truth”.
- Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of the Serenity
(My apologies to the screenwriter that actually wrote the line.)

“The 4th Amendment and the personal rights it secures have a long history. At the very core stands the right of a man to retreat into his own home and there be free from unreasonable governmental intrusion."
- Potter Stewart

"If there is a special Hell for writers it would be in the forced contemplation of their own works."
- John Dos Passos

"If you let other people do it for you, they will do it to you."
- Robert Anthony

"Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested."
- Francis Bacon

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Rule of Four

Dear readers (if there actually are any of you out there),

Its been a month and a half since I have had time to cruise the cybernet and consider anything I might wish to expound upon here. Well, It appears that Kimberly of “One Little Room” has “tagged” me with the “Rule of Four”. Therefore, I will set aside my non-specific ramblings, and respond to her prompting. Here’s my list:

Four Jobs I've Had in My Life:
1. Pin Boy
In the days before automatic bowling pin machines, young men with fast reflexes and dull minds jumped in and out of a pit to gather and reset the pins for the next ball.
2. Educational Sales Representative
Went into High Schools to give presentations of Electronics as a career and then followed up with prospective students and their families to sell them the electronics course at a local vocational school.
3. Teacher
My personal favorite.
4. Rebuild chemical pumps
For awhile I rebuilt several styles of chemical pumps used by oil drilling and recovery operations. The work was dirty but I was making about $50 an hour to do it.

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over (in order of preference):
1. Fantasia
My favorite since I was a kid.
2. Clint Eastwood’s Spaghetti trilogy:
A Fistful of Dollars
For a Few Dollars More
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
I know its really three movies, but if I watch one, I usually watch them all.
3. Dune
The original one released sometime in the 80’s.
4. Soldier
Not a great movie… I just really like it.

Four Places I Have Lived:
1. Ohio
2. Germany
3. Texas
4. New York City

Four Places I'd Like To Live, if only for a little while:
1. Hawaii
2. Texas
3. North Carolina
4. London

Four TV Shows I Love To Watch:
I want to make this into two categories; shows of the past and current shows:
1. Mash
2. Dark Angel
3. Twilight Zone
4. Outer Limits
1. Criminal Minds
2. House
3. Lost
4. Bones

Four Places I Have Been On Vacation:
1. Honolulu
2. London
3. Paris
4. Switzerland

Four Websites I Visit Daily:
Sorry. This is not a daily activity. The only thing I do daily is to check my e-mail on Yahoo.

Four of My Favorite Foods:
1. Burgers
2. Spaghetti
3. Hummus
4. Fattoush
If you are not familiar with them, Hummus is blended chickpeas seasoned with garlic, Tahina and lemon juice and Fattoush is a salad with toasted pita bread mixed in. Very good.

Four of My Favorite Books:
1. Dune by Frank Herbert
2. Souls in the Great Machine by Sean McMullen
3. The Dreamcatcher by Stephen King
4. The Paratwa Trilogy by Christopher Hinz

So there's my Rule of Four. What's yours?