I have enjoyed photography for many years as a hobby and, at times, a business. I even worked part-time in a camera store for almost eleven years selling cameras and camera equipment just for the fun of it. Finally, after all those years of film – 35mm, medium format, APS, Disk film, etc. – about a year ago I bought my first digital camera. It is a little Nikon Point-and-Shoot with about a 5 megapixel resolution. I immediately fell in love with it. So what did I do? I gave it away. Why? So I could get another newer one with even more bells and whistles, what else?
Having been steeped in the old film technology, I am finding that shooting digital is quite different. The results may appear the same, but getting there is a whole different trip. The main advantage that I find in shooting digital is that I can take as many pictures as I want. When shooting film, there is always the thought at the back of your head that each shot will cost something to develop and print before you can even see your picture. With digital, I can shoot hundreds of pictures and just delete the bad ones or keep them all to pick only those that I wish to print. I get a lot more practice actually taking pictures. It’s great! And the little camera is so small and easy to take with me that I am taking more pictures than I ever did before. And that’s fun!
And now I have ascended to a new level of fun. A couple of weeks ago, my wife got me a new digital SLR as an anniversary present. I can only say; “WOW”! Maybe later I’ll write a post about the camera itself, but for now, I think I’ll just show some of the pictures.